5 Common Cannabis Myths and Facts

Cannabis has been largely misunderstood in society for over 6000 years. It has been looked at as a gateway drug for a long time, something that is naturally grown from the earth was so badly looked down upon that it was once illegal in all 50 states of the U.S. If you tested positive for Marijuana or it was found in your possession, you were looking at serious charges that resulted in jail time. Random tests for marijuana use were given to employees at a majority of workplaces and people lost jobs for testing positive.There has been a movement to legalize the use of cannabis since the early 1990’s, California was the first state to allow the use of medical marijuana in 1996. It was only deemed allowable if there was a prescription from a licensed medical doctor. After time, it became acceptable in other states for its use medically. Recreational use of cannabis initially started to become validated in the mid 2000’s with the states Washington and Colorado. Now 34 states have made the use of cannabis legitimate. There are so many ways that it can contribute positive results in everyday life! Here you will find some Myths and Facts when it comes to the use of cannabis.

Myth- Cannabis use can lead to the use of harder addictive drugs

Fact- Anything can become addictive if used improperly. This goes for cannabis as well, it's not the product itself, but the person using it. Many people have handled the use of cannabis responsibly and gained the positive effects from its use. When used correctly it's not addictive, in fact there are many health benefits from CBD use and it does not get you high.CBD a chemical in cannabis can be extracted from THC and its purpose is to offer better brain function.

Myth- Using cannabis promotes laziness.

Fact- Have you heard of the term “Puff Puff Pass” and you envision a bunch of dazed out stoners sitting on the couch passing the joint to the left? Well cannabis can definitely offer relaxation to those who are looking to use it for that purpose, however, it is unfair to generalize and state that all cannabis use makes you lazy. People who lead an active lifestyle such as sports players, or people who use their creativity like artists can find benefits in cannabis use. Sativa is a type of cannabis that can give you energy along with“the creative high” effect, it can decrease anxiety and stress as well as increase creativity and center the thought process.

Myth- Cannabis users are violent criminals.

Fact- Cannabis users have the stigma of being untrustworthy, devious people. This is attached to the fact that weed was once an illegal activity that led to arrest and time in prison. Those who were against allowing marijuana to be legal associated it to violence and psychosis. However, using cannabis does not make you a violent criminal, it is actually the opposite. It was stated in the New York Magazine that cannabis use has helped homicide rates drop more than 50 percent. There is no solid evidence that attaches violent crimes with the use of cannabis.

Myth- You can overdose on cannabis.

Fact- This is actually not true. It would take an insane inhuman amount of cannabis use to get to a dose that would cause serious harm or death. There haven't been any casualties reported from the use of Marijuana like there have been with opioids use like heroin. Cannabis must be used responsibly and in smaller doses for beginners, products that contain THC come in different percentages. Having too much in your system at one time can lead to discomfort associated with anxiety and confusion. Allow yourself time for your body to take in the effects of cannabis particularly when enjoying edibles.

Myth- All cannabis gets you high

Fact- Here is another myth that can be debunked, not all weed gets you high. Cannabis contains CBD and THC, which are two components found in marijuana. CBD is used to treat some health issues such as chronic pain, anxiety, inflammation and insomnia. THC contains psychoactive chemicals, which gives you the high feeling and offers relaxation. A lot of people don't know that there is a difference between the two. CBD gives a medicinal effect and THC gives the psychoactive effect. People who want to use cannabis as a medicinal compound should consider CBD and those looking to indulge for social reasons or just to chill and take the edge off of a hectic day, should consider THC.

Wrap it Up

In conclusion cannabis use has become more widely accepted in the U.S but there are still many who question whether it is safe to use or if there are any consequences that come along with it. There are a lot of misunderstandings with its use and consumption. Educating yourself and learning some of the myths and facts stated above can clear things up and help take away the negative perception when it comes to participating in the use of cannabis. Here with JudiiJane you can become a scholar in the many benefits that accompany the different types, and uses for cannabis. Browse the website and learn so much more!


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