Cannabis Inhaling: What to Expect

When cannabis is inhaled, the cannabinoids travel from your lungs and into your bloodstream. The psychoactive ingredient in cannabis, THC, binds to receptors in your brain that are responsible for mood, pleasure, coordination, thinking ability, and memory. This creates the “high” associated with marijuana use. While the effects of cannabis will vary depending on the individual and the strain of cannabis used, there are some general things you can expect when you inhale weed.

The effects of cannabis can be felt within minutes of inhaling and can last for several hours. The high from smoking cannabis is usually shorter-lived than the high from consuming edibles, which can take up to two hours to take effect. 

Short Term Effects

Cannabis smokers often report feeling relaxed and happy after inhaling. Other common effects include an increased sense of well-being, heightened senses (colors may seem brighter, sounds sharper), feelings of euphoria, increased appetite, and drowsiness. Some people may also experience anxiety, paranoia, or panic attacks when smoking weed. These effects are more likely to occur if you’re a first-time smoker or if you’re smoking a particularly potent strain of cannabis. 

Cannabis use can also result in some short-term side effects, including: 

-Red eyes

-Dry mouth

-Increased heart rate

-Anxiety or paranoia

-Coordination problems 

Long Term Effects

Cannabis smoke contains many of the same toxins and carcinogens as tobacco smoke, so there are potential risks to your lung health when you inhale weed. These risks can be increased if you also smoke tobacco or if you hold the smoke in your lungs for a long time before exhaling. Some of the risks associated with smoking cannabis include bronchitis, lung infections, and chronic (long-term) cough. 

Smoking cannabis can also have some negative long-term effects on your health, including:


-Lung problems

-Reduced IQ

-Impaired memory

-Anxiety and depression

-Increased risk of psychotic disorders

Why Reactions to Weed Differ 

When you first inhale weed smoke, you may feel nothing at all. Or, you might feel a sudden sense of euphoria and relaxation. The effects of marijuana depend on many factors, including your experience with the drug, the amount of THC in the strain you're using, and how you consume it. Some people report feeling paranoid or anxious after smoking weed. Others say it helps them relax and reduces stress. 

It's important to remember that everyone reacts to marijuana differently. Some people may feel no effects at all, while others may feel very intense effects. The best way to find out how weed will affect you is to start with a small amount and see how you feel. Be sure to use it in a safe place where you can relax and take your time. If you don't like how, it makes you feel, you can always stop using it. 

How Long Does It Take for Marijuana to Kick In?

 The effects of marijuana usually kick in within minutes after inhaling it. The high can last anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours, depending on the strength of the weed and how much you smoke. For some people, the high from weed can last for several hours.


It’s also important to be aware that secondhand cannabis smoke can be just as harmful as secondhand tobacco smoke. If you’re around people who are smoking cannabis, you may inhale some of the smoke, which can lead to the same short- and long-term side effects as smoking cannabis yourself.



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