The Future Of Cannabis In the World of Gen Z Females

As cannabis continues to become more widely accepted and culturally embraced, a shift is happening in its user demographic — Gen Z women. While they make up only a small percentage of total users now, conversations suggest that their presence in the community will only grow larger over time as this innovative generation redefines how people see cannabis products and use them for various needs. In this blog post, we’ll explore why marijuana has changed from being hidden away by impressionable teens to becoming an increasingly openly shared coping method for Gen Z women. We’ll also discuss the ways in which this increasing embrace could change the entire industry, as well as what it means for all of us who partake in cannabis culture. 

Most popular Gen-Z Strains?

Generation Z (born between 1997 and 2012) is the most diverse and tech-savvy generation in history. Gen-Zers are more open minded than their predecessors, have unprecedented access to information and resources, and are incredibly connected to the world around them.  Gen-Zers also have a strong sense of social justice and care deeply about making a positive impact in the world. They are passionate, creative, highly motivated and determined to make an impact.  

In addition, Gen-Zers have grown up in a time of great uncertainty, with economic and political instability dominating the headlines. As such, many Gen-Zers are seeking ways to take control over their lives and create meaningful experiences for themselves. This is evident in their increasing interest in cannabis – an emerging industry that offers them an opportunity to be creative, develop products or services, create jobs and invest in their future. 

Their strain choices vary and they love to tryout a verity of strains, edibles, honey and butter. Also CBD skin care products are very popular among Gen z. Some of the most popular stains are jungle lava strain, berry gelato strain, biscotti pancakes strain, indian landrace strain and many more.

Women & Their Usage of Cannabis

The trend is emerging at an unprecedented rate, as more and more women turn to cannabis for its medicinal and recreational benefits. Women are using cannabis in a variety of ways, from smoking it to consuming edibles and topicals, to becoming entrepreneurs in the cannabis industry. Gen Z women are at the forefront of this trend, as they are more open to trying new and different types of marijuana products than previous generations. 

The market for female consumers is growing exponentially, and many companies in the cannabis industry are recognizing this fact by specifically targeting women with their products. The trend has become so popular that there are now specific cannabis events geared towards women, such as the Women Grow Summit in Colorado. This event is designed to recognize female entrepreneurs and bring attention to the important role that women are playing in the cannabis industry. 

There is evidence that Gen Z women report using marijuana more frequently than their male peers, with one study finding that fifty-eight percent of female college students reported using cannabis in the past month, compared to forty-three percent of male college students. In addition, Gen Z women are more likely to report consuming edibles and vaping marijuana than their male counterparts.


Gen Z Females – The Future of Cannabis Industry

It's no surprise that Gen Z women are the fastest growing demographic of cannabis users. They grew up in an era when marijuana was becoming more normalized and accepted, so they naturally feel more comfortable with trying it out than past generations. Furthermore, as society evolves, things like mental health issues are less stigmatized — especially among young people. So, many Gen Z women feel like they can rely on cannabis to help them manage the stresses of modern life. 

This could be anything from managing anxiety or depression, improving sleep quality and restfulness, calming pain or nausea, elevating moods and improving focus. All of these things are incredibly important for young women who seem to have an infinite number of demands and expectations placed upon them. As Gen Z women become more aware of the potential benefits that cannabis can offer, they are likely to embrace it as part of their wellness routine with less fear or hesitation than ever before. 

Cannabis has also been embraced by Gen Z women because of its unique versatility in terms of how it can be consumed. While smoking is still the most popular method, there are now many other ways to enjoy cannabis: vaping, edibles, tinctures, capsules and more. This makes it easier for Gen Z women to customize their experience and find something that works best for them without having to worry about the stigma of traditional smoking methods. 

The increasing presence of Gen Z women in the cannabis space is likely to have a profound effect on the industry as a whole. For starters, young people bring with them an openness for experimenting and trying new things. This could mean that companies develop more innovative products specifically tailored towards Gen Z female users — from new smoking hardware to edibles, tinctures and beyond. It may also lead to a better understanding of how different cannabis products can affect users in various ways, as more and more young women begin to experiment with different forms and methods. 


Overall, the increasing presence of Gen Z women in the cannabis space is sure to have a positive impact on the industry as a whole. Not only will it bring more diversity and innovation, but it could also lead to better understanding of how different products can be used for various needs — all while creating an atmosphere of openness and acceptance that has been sorely missing in the past. As Gen Z women continue to blaze the trail for cannabis culture, it’s sure to be an exciting time ahead.


If you’re looking to get the best Cannabis products around town, head on over to Judijane. The 420 friendly store consists of all the demanding strains like sour mac strain, gelato 42, Obama Kush strain, and so forth.



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