Platinum Purple Kush Strain

 INDICA - 90% THC:18% - 23%

Potent and powerful, Platinum Purple Kush is a strain of marijuana with an intriguing history. Originating in California’s Mendocino County, the legendary reputation of this strain goes back to the early 2000s when it quickly became a popular choice amongst growers and smokers alike. Boasting high THC levels, Platinum Purple Kush induces strong cerebral effects making it ideal for experienced users seeking an uplifting and invigorating experience. In addition to its intoxicating aroma and intense taste, many people turn to this indica dominant hybrid for its long lasting calming effects that help reduce stress while providing relief from insomnia and pain. If you are looking for an adventure beyond ordinary cannabis consumption then look no further than the classic strains heritage – Platinum Purple Kush!

About Platinum Purple Kush

Platinum Purple Kush is an Indica-dominant hybrid strain that has been around for some time. It has a reputation for being a mild-mannered yet potent strain, making it a great choice for first-time marijuana users or those seeking a calm and calming experience. With THC levels typically hovering around 23%, this strain packs enough of a punch to deliver relaxation without overwhelming you. The presence of less than 1% CBD means that Platinum Purple Kush isn't the best option for treating seizures or other afflictions that benefit from the effects of this non-psychoactive cannabinoid. Instead, its more subtle effects make it ideal for enjoying certain movies or just taking things slow on a lazy day. Plus, its aroma and flavor create a truly unique experience. 

Appearance, Aroma, Flavour

Platinum Purple Kush is a sight to behold! Its buds are large, leafy and light green in colour with occasional purple hues, covered with a fine platinum dusting. But the real treat comes when you experience its unmistakable fragrance - a tantalising blend of berry, earth and grape that's sure to get your taste buds tingling! When smoked or vaporized, the aroma is sweet and fruity with hints of berry, grape, and lavender. The taste is similar to the smell but also has notes of pine and earthy flavors that linger in your mouth afterwards. On inhale, users can expect an intense explosion of flavour that soothes and calms the senses while providing a long-lasting body buzz. 


The effects of this strain are typically described as calming, euphoric, happy, and accompanied by a powerful case of the munchies. As such it's ideal for those who struggle with appetite loss due to illness or stress. It can also be helpful for relieving symptoms of anxiety, migraines, headaches, inflammation, muscle spasms, chronic pain, and stress.

THC levels in this strain tend to be around 23%, so it's not as potent as some other strains available. Similarly, there is typically less than 1% CBD content making Platinum Purple Kush a less than ideal option for those seeking relief from more serious medical conditions. However its strong Indica effects make it an excellent choice for those looking to get relaxed and relieve stress with a delicious smoke or vape session.

Side Effects

Platinum Purple Kush is known to have strong effects which may include heightened feelings of anxiety, dry mouth, and sometimes even dry eyes, dizziness and paranoia. Because of its potency, it's important for users to proceed with caution when using this strain. People in California, Nevada, and the Pacific Northwest are most likely to come across this rare strain. With its heavy indica properties, Platinum Purple Kush is a great choice for relaxing after a long day or unwinding on a lazy weekend. Keep in mind that it can have strong side effects so be sure to find your own personal dosage if you decide to try it out.