Best Tips and Tricks to Tackle Hangovers

If you've ever had one too many drinks, you know all about the next-day misery that is a hangover. Headache, nausea, dizziness...the list of symptoms goes on and on. While there's no surefire cure for hangovers, there are some things that can help make them more manageable. Here are our best tips and tricks to tackling hangovers.

Preventing A Hangover 

Preventing a hangover before it starts is always the best strategy. But sometimes, despite our best efforts, we end up with a headache, nausea, and that all-over crummy feeling. When that happens, these tips and tricks can help lessen the blow. 

1. Avoid drinks with congeners

Congeners are impurities that are produced during alcohol fermentation. They can contribute to a worse hangover. Dark-colored liquors like bourbon and whisky have more congeners than clear liquors like vodka and gin. If you’re trying to avoid a hangover, stick to clear liquors or wine. 

2. Stay hydrated

Drinking alcohol can cause dehydration, which can contribute to many hangover symptoms like fatigue, headache, and thirst. To avoid dehydration, drink plenty of water before, during, and after drinking alcohol. 

3. Get plenty of sleep

Alcohol can disrupt sleep, which can contribute to a hangover the next day. If you’re trying to avoid a hangover, aim for seven to eight hours of sleep each night. 

4. Eat a nutritious meal

Eating a balanced meal before drinking can help slow the absorption of alcohol into the bloodstream. And eating a hearty breakfast the next day can help replenish your body’s nutrients and rehydrate your system.. 

5. Take supplements

Certain supplements like vitamin B6 and ginger can help ease hangover symptoms like nausea and vomiting. 

6. Drink plenty of fluids

Dehydration is a common cause of hangover symptoms like fatigue and headache. To avoid dehydration, drink plenty of water, juice, or electrolyte-rich sports drinks throughout the day. 

7. Get some fresh air

Sometimes, all you need is some fresh air and sunlight to feel better. So, take a walk outside or open up the windows in your home or office to let in some natural light. 

8. Take a pain reliever

If you’re dealing with a headache, acetaminophen (Tylenol) can help relieve pain. Just be sure not to take more than the recommended dose, as too much acetaminophen can be harmful to your liver. 

9. Drink coffee or tea

Caffeine can help reduce fatigue, so drink up if you’re feeling tired the next day. Just be sure to limit your intake to avoid dehydration.

10. Try a hangover cure

There are many “hangover cures” on the market, but few of them have been proven to work. If you’re looking for something to try, consider an over-the-counter remedy like Alka-Seltzer or Gatorade. You can also find hangover cures in some Asian markets or online.

While there's no foolproof cure for a hangover, following these tips can help make them more bearable. And remember, the best way to avoid a hangover is to drink in moderation. Cheers to that! 


While there’s no surefire way to prevent a hangover, these tips and tricks can help you feel better if you do end up with one. So, the next time you find yourself feeling crummy after a night of drinking, give them a try.


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