What’s Next for Cannabis

Cannabis legalization is a hot topic right now, with several states legalizing recreational marijuana and even more allowing medicinal use. But what's next for cannabis? How will the industry continue to grow and evolve? Here are some of the things we can expect in the years to come.

Legalization of Recreational and Medical Marijuana

We can expect to see more states legalize both recreational and medicinal marijuana in the coming years. With public opinion polls showing increasing support for legalization, it's likely that more states will follow suit. This could mean big business for the cannabis industry, as the market for legal marijuana continues to grow. 

More CBD Infused Products

We can also expect to see more products containing CBD, the non-psychoactive compound found in cannabis. CBD is already being used in a variety of products, from cosmetics to food and drink. As more people learn about the benefits of CBD, we can expect to see even more products on the market.

 Providing A “Normal” Shopping Experience for Customers 

The legal cannabis industry is still in its infancy, which means that there is a lot of room for growth and improvement. One area that could see significant improvement is the shopping experience for customers. 

Right now, many cannabis retail stores are still operating under the old model of a “head shop” where customers have to ask for specific products and prices are not always clearly displayed. This model can be off-putting for potential customers who are used to the more traditional retail experience.

 What the industry needs is a move towards a more modern retail model where customers can browse products and get clear information on pricing and product details. This will make it easier for new customers to try out cannabis products and could help increase sales overall. 

Focus on Product Quality

Another area that needs improvement is product quality control. Right now, there is no centralized system for testing and approving cannabis products. This means that it is up to individual retailers to make sure that their products meet quality standards. 

This can be a difficult task, especially for small retailers who may not have the resources or expertise to properly test their products. As a result, many customers end up purchasing sub-par products that do not meet their expectations. 

The solution is for the industry to adopt a more standardized approach to product quality control. This could involve creating an independent body that would test and approve all cannabis products before they are allowed to be sold. This would ensure that only high-quality products are available for purchase, which would improve the overall reputation of the industry. 

Research in Medical Applications

Finally, we can expect to see more research into the medical applications of cannabis. With several states now legalizing medicinal marijuana, there will be more opportunity for researchers to study the potential health benefits of cannabis. This could lead to new and innovative treatments for a variety of conditions. 


The legal cannabis industry is still in its early stages, which means that there are many opportunities for growth and improvement. By focusing on providing a better shopping experience for customers and ensuring product quality, the industry can continue to expand and thrive.



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